

Kathanak is a social media📱 kinda website on which one can create a post and others can react😁, comment🌬️ and even reply↩️ on others comments with support of notifications🔔 and scheduling⏳ the post.

Kathanak Meaning: 🟰 script, story, plotline, scenario

If you dont want to register here are creds to testing account: devdutt@mail.com password: password


From the users percepective it has features like search, sort, create, schedule, edit, react on, comment on post with the Rich Text with scheme WYSIWYG.

You can react with any of the five reactions like facebook. You can create a comment on post and also can react on a comment and even reply on a comment. And the creator of comment or post will get the appropriate notification for the event.

Also users can mention other users in post and comment, the tagged user will get the appropriate notification.

User also has access to their profile which they can edit and can see other users profile and their posts.

Technically it has features like debounce, pagination, optimistic update, SSR, Lazy Loading, Error Boundaries, Protected Routes, server actions, a little class based approach for API utility in frontend.
