Discord Bot
The discord bot🤖 is a command chat bot created for and on discord platform.
So bots on discord are all command bot. Commands bot basically take some command📥 and arguments as input and perform some magic💫 or any other trick which it was suppose to do.
So I have created a time tracker, task management type daily office utility bot having command features like
Task management
- /addtask: Adds task ➕ to your todo list
- /list: 📃Lists all the task which are added in the list and not yet marked as done
- /edittask: To edit🖋️ the existsing task from the list
Time management
- /login: Creates a start time⏱️ log to count working hours
- /logout: Creates a end time log🕧 to count the working hours
- /leave: 🚪Creates a start break time log
- /back: Craetes a end↩️ break time log
- /totd: Posts a Thought of the day 💭
- /remainder: Create a remainder⏰ for anything